How Do I:??
How To Learn English As A Second Language (ESL)

Thousands of schools and programs around the world offer English courses for those who wish to learn English for personal or business use. English courses for foreigners are known as "English as A Second Language," or ESL.

! Do not confuse "English as a Second Language" with "English" courses - the latter term commonly refers to English literature, not language.

Tests: The test often required for entrance into a U.S. university is known as the TOEFL. The test for business and professional English is known as the TOEIC. Schools can help prepare you for these tests.

Where to Study: Community colleges offer the least expensive English courses, while private schools offer many chances for cultural immersion and a learning "guarantee." Universities also offer ESL courses. If you have already been admitted into a U.S. university you may elect to continue improving your English by taking an ESL class there.

A list of ESL ("English as a Second Language") schools around the world can be found at:

Online Courses: Global English.com offers online interactive English courses to prepare for the TOEFL and TOEIC tests. Courses cost around $20: http://www.globalenglish.com

Miami Resources:

University of Miami Intensive English Program:

Miami/Dade County Community College offers bilingual instruction in English as a Second Language:

CCLS (Cultural Center for Language Studies) - a private language institute and course publisher with branches in Brazil, Miami, Mexico City:
http://www.cclscorp.com/ (bilingual website)

New York Resources:

New York Association for New Americans
New York-based resettlement agency offering educational and employment services and acculturation, plus intensive English language instruction. Also help for the U.S. citizenship test.



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