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Currency Converter
American Currency
American Coins (also known as "change")
=1¢ ($.01)
(five cents)
=5¢ ($.05)
(ten cents)
=10¢ ($.10)
(twenty-five cents)
¢ ($.25)
half dollar
(fifty cents)
=50¢ ($.50)
100 pennies
20 nickels
10 dimes
4 quarters
2 half dollars

You can use change in everyday transactions.

Pennies cannot be used for:

  • parking meters
  • stamp machines

Quarters are normally used for:

  • washers and dryers in a commer cial laundromat
  • parking meters

Debit Card ("ATM Card")
When you open a bank account, often you will receive a debit card free or for a nominal fee. You can use this card to withdraw money from ATM (automatic teller) machines and make purchases at many stores. The money is withdrawn directly from your account. No interest is charged on the purchase.

If your debit card contains a Visa or MC symbol, you may also use it to make a purchase even if the business doesn't use ATM. No interest will be charged.

Credit Card (also see the Credit page on this site)
Owning a credit card is important both for making airline, car and hotel reservations and for building a credit history so you can obtain financing for larger purchases, like a car or a home. However, credit cards can be dangerous if you rely on them for making impulse buys and extra cash. It is easy to max out your cards and be stuck paying interest for many years. Buying on credit is encouraged in the U.S. to the point where credit card debt is higher than ever.

Shop around for the lowest possible interest rate. Many cards offer a low introductory interest rate with a very low transfer rate (as low as 2%) for transferring your existing balances from other cards. Check out CardWeb to browse through current offers. Some cards offer "points" good towards making purchases, hotel or airline credits.

If you obtain a card, keep in mind these points:

  • Pay your balance in full every month if possible to avoid interest
  • Check to see that your card has a "grace period" so that you do not get stuck paying interest between monthly payments.
  • Use the card only for large purchases, reservations and emergencies
  • Consolidate balances into one or two low rate cards if possible, Take advantage of balance transfer rates


When you receive a checking account from the bank, you will be given a supply of checks and a checkbook to put them in. You can use checks to pay for items as you would in cash. Most businesses, like grocery stores and retailers, take local checks as long as you have proof of photo identification like a driver's license or a passport, and sometimes a credit card as well. Checks are also a good method of payment to individuals when you need to buy an item in cash, like a used car or an item at a garage sale.
! Note: Restaurants do NOT normally accept checks.


Learn About U.S. Currency?
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