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Emergency Travel Assistance For Newcomers

The Traveler's Aid Society is a national organization designed to help immigrants and newcomers to the U.S. Traveler's Aid offers help with relocation, directions, emergency situations like illness or accidents, immigration information and multilingual assistance and counseling for crime victims. Traveler's Aid Society help desks are located in the airport terminals in most major cities.

Find the Traveler's Aid branch by city at their website:

Airport Info: QuickAid.com has maps and telephone listings of ground transportation, emergency services and traveler's information for all major U.S. airports:

Miami: International Airport website (includes terminal map, online flight info including arrival and departure times):

New York City: Victims Services Travelers Aid at JFK International Airport (multilingual service which offers emergency travel assistance, referrals to consulates and immigration assistance, and to food, shelter and medical treatment):

Multilingual Assistance for Immigrant Crime Victims
(Queens, N.Y.):

New York Association for New Americans
New York-based resettlement agency offering educational and employment services and acculturation, plus intensive English language instruction. Also help for the U.S. citizenship test.


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